The existence of sex is a conundrum for evolution. We dive into the details of requirements, the power of natural forces, and the often invoked role of luck.
The existence of sex is a conundrum for evolution. We dive into the details of requirements, the power of natural forces, and the often invoked role of luck.
State governments have recently pushed to legalize abortion at any stage and age of pregnancy, up until the moment of birth. This move has completely obliterated a number of their arguments and exposed their position for the evil, selfish act it is. Their zeal to push the envelope of opportunity may have just ended the movement altogether.
In materialism and naturalism, randomness and chaos are used to explain everything we see, and even the thoughts we think. This explanation does not bridge the gap. It is simply not enough, and the gap is far too large. We explain some of things we observe, and why it doesn’t fit.
The Covington affair has shown that the media is actively pushing an agenda against Christian schools. We elaborate and what the agenda is, and how it may impact if it is allowed to succeed in the years to come.
There are dueling definitions of religion. Why are the dueling and which makes more sense?
Richard Dawkins doesn’t make the case that God does not exist. He makes the case that the improbability of God existing is beyond rational consideration. Is this really the case? Join us as we explore what little we can explore.
It’s been nearly 70 years since Miller-Urey. Where is the origin of life research now? Where
There are two main theories about when the rapture’s timing in the end of days. We explore the scriptural and logical basis for each.
Since the discovery of DNA, evolutionists have had a very difficult time explaining how the digital code of DNA and all its information content could arise without an intelligence writing it. Still, they affirm it happened anyway through randomness. Do they have a case? What is involved and what are the odds?
Too many churches and pastors try to guilt their congregations into giving. We should be doing more across all Christendom to correct it.
The chicken or the egg problem resurfaces as DNA or the molecular machines. Which came first?
While the Sabbath doesn’t apply to Christians as law, we should follow the spirit of it and dedicate time to unplug. For our friends and families as well as our sanity.
Knowing what we know, what we don’t know, and what we cannot know are exceptionally important traits to have. Cosmologists seem to have forgotten that.
In each of the trillions of our cells are some amazing machines that work hard to keep us alive, all of which depend on each other. Could all this just arise by chance alone?